Space-Time Structures

At GCL’s first event in Cuba (Varadero, January 2018), the Global Convergent Logic took another turn and from now on it will be also known and be developed as “Spatial-Temporal Structures“.

What does this mean? in very down-to-earth and simple terms, it is an invitation for all of us humans to start re-examining our reality. In the western world, we are not aware that we live an illusion, this is a childish space-time structure that was generated ignoring nature as a stakeholder in order to create the industrial era:

We are now in the post-industrial era and we are called to become space-time grown-ups. The time has come to embrace transparency, start cleaning what we keep under the carpet (both collectively and privately) and connect -with rough honesty- with the genuine space that is supporting our conscious deployment of time: planet earth.

Most probably you are ready to drop your beliefs, start regarding conflicts as a language that actually allows humans to communicate with the wider context and learn to use traumas in order to de-traumatize the Earth by dismantling the logic that governs our life.

If you would like to acquire basic notions to tackle this alternative please contact us.

Much simpler than you could ever imagine!

In 1999 Jim Carrey starred the comedy-drama film “Man on the moon“. Footage from the making of this film plus Jim’s movie star career was used afterwards to produce the 2017’s documentary “Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond” where Jim shares very outstanding awakenings, including letting go of his own identity as an actor and a character playing a role in our society, in his case renouncing to be a sucessful celebrity.

You can find in the internet many interviews and reports describing Jim Carrey’s experience of “being nothing(ness)”.


But what does mean for all of us? Well it means that anyone can swiftly and easily stop being what we were told we are and choose to be what we actually are. Besides, it’s obvious that enlightment can be achieved without using any existing tool or system or methodology.

The Global Convergent Logic is simply another way to attain awakening. The innovation consists in the fact that it’s a neutral path, absolutely free of  mysticism, thus encompassing all other systems and religions. The GCL and the UPUT are also a tool to connect with other seekers though a new language that alows to communicate and co-create once we step into the realm that is “outside” the area of the collective -linear- consciousness.

If you are interested in trying out this process, we will be happy to help!


What is about to be described in this post is a phenomenon very similar to what happens while we sleep or when we practice meditation.

The human brain is connected to a wide range of dimensions that are synchronizing when we are in the “alpha state”. The average person is not conscious of this because our cultural and emotional filters (good and bad memories) become barriers for a “clean” constant self-actualization to occur (constant stress hinders as well). Alejandra Casado’s special characteristic is that she has gradually inverted the process of creating a personality armour out of traumas, instead of that she uses conflicts to expand her consciousness and positively affect her environment by fearlessly accessing the unconscious realm and sharing this ability with the audience.

The electromagnetic field that is generated during the 3 days of the event can be considered as an onion, Alejandra being the emitter that can transit in all layers to share what is being downloaded in real time from source itself. The rest of us as receivers could reach a certain depth of this “onion-field”, depending on our own beliefs, values and all sorts of identity barriers and blind spots that each of us carries.

Alejandra naturally accesses all those layers of the onion while scanning each one of us as we share our “AHÁ moments”. At the same time the field is being sustained by the consciousness of other antennas who attended the event (people who are very advanced in the GCL process). The rest of us have some degree of access to what Alejandra Casado calls connectivity (a sort of absolute limitless understanding). Each attendee will navigate the field only to the extent in which their personal barriers allow them to get; put in another way: as far beyond as we allow ourselves to get or how safe it feels to our ego. Of course if this is your first time in a GCL event, it may feel like you are “THA Interdimensional Traveler”, since it is a new experience for you.

This amplifying illusion is due to the fact that the field confers mental clarity to understand facts that we could never have processed on our own, because we keep choosing to be captive of our cultural, social and emotional traumas. Most people attending the event is not even aware of what is going on because they are still not prepared to open up this much to the experience. This does not mean that they do not get affected, they will normally experience changes in the following weeks or months because their sub-conscious will process the experience in a safe and soft fashion, adapted to their particular situation.

In this elevated state of consciousness, triggered by Alejandra”s capacity to clear out the space from prejudices, it is easier to talk about issues that the “Democracy of space-time” sponsors in the world, but for our identity are unfair, bad, gross, intolerable or taboo.

And well, this is like the story of Cinderella: the clarity that we enjoy for 3 days is not really ours and on the way home you get back to be a pumpkin.

What I felt right at the end of the event is that my skull was cut open and spilled very fine sand over my brain. But I am not in a hurry to close the lesions because, I hope I can still take advantage of them to create intermediate connections between my limited capacity and some advanced connectivity that I experienced thanks to the field that was formed in Seville.

I also suffered a whole afternoon of a very intense headache, I suppose it was aimed to depressurize the duramater, as if my biology told me “you had thoughts and Ahás that are not supposed to be contemplated by your current identity”. And…. well that’s right, because by attending the event I committed what can be called a “space-time traffic infraction”, like all the receivers that lent themselves to this exercise.

Event number 52 in Seville Spain was aimed to connect the human consciousness to the consciousness of planet Earth, to link the conscious to the unconscious. We were able to have a go during the event but all humans are invited to practice this connection towards 2021.


You can’t change the world…

You might have already reached this conclusion as well, you already are aware that it does not work this way. But you might sense the subtle notion that you can’t change yourself either, this is why mainstream coaching is outdated and you landed here, looking for answers.

Let us make ourselves four simple questions in order to check our current status about change.

  1. I want the world to change (or people and things around me), because I want troubles to stop bothering me, I need to be left alone.
  2. I want to change the world, because I need to impose my own view about how people should behave and the right way for things to be.
  3. I want to change the world, because I inherited the believe that it is my responsibility to change things in order to make other people happy.
  4. I want to change the world, and I am willing to dedicate all the time and intention to join other people so that we manage to improve things not before we have taken every one’s view into account.

Albert Einstein once said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

We can boldly take this quote one step further and claim that for a problem to be solved it is necessary to get rid of the observer of the problem in the first place, if we replace the latter with a wiser observer it’s likely that the problem will disappear instead of needing to get solved in the old-fashion way.

So, how do we change to a wiser observer? the quick answer would be “by changing ourselves”.Yes, that has been tried as well and obviously it’s not working, otherwise you would’t be here reading this post.


The proposal from the Global Convergent Logic is to admit that we do not control things as much as we like to believe.

A computer program is not able to delete or over-write itself, in the same manner we can not get rid of our identity as current self-help methods propose. Computers use boot loaders to get updated, we have the same system installed by default in our biology and it works mostly at night totally out of our egoic control.

In order to be-come- the change that we want to see in the world, as recommended by Gandhi we just need to identify our distortions of preception (what we call errors), identify the logic behind them, and without judgement we are invited to hand over whatever remains outside our understanding to another stage of consciousness that makes sense of it all through a nightly derivation. The “door program” or “fifth observer” gets swiftly activated in our mind and in due course -if we were really neutral about the outcome- we will get results in our everyday life.

We won’t get good -or bad- results, because once reached this point we will have fully understood that nothing is wrong with the world and we do not need to change anything, mostly because we can’t control things during wakefulness…. and this my darling is what they call to become really awake.

If you want to pursue this avenue, we will be more than happy to help!

Nightly derivation, how it works

The following is a translation from a post in Alejandra Casado’s official forum where she describes the nightly derivation. The text has been re-adapted in order to render it more accessible for an English speaking audience.

derivaciónI’m assuming that all the things that happen and bother me are actually bringing a message that I can’t -yet- understand.

Thus I decide to establish a link with the coherent emitter (another dimension of the self) and say: OK, I am open to see what I can’t see, to understand what I don’t understand, to perceive what I don’t seem to perceive; we enable our mind as a receiver. We advise to practice this at night because during the day our slow daytime consciousness is in charge, at night our fast unconsciousness is managing us.

At night there is a shift from our “slow observers” to our “fast observers”[*], the instant you are falling asleep you renounce your current understanding: I open myself to grasp that which I do not get and thus we are giving permission to our receiver to be nurtured in a non-existence, and synchronize with the horrific message in a totally different way, and this will modify my perception when I get back to wakefulness.

If I do not get used to practice this that is called anticipation while I am connected with my linear life, along with my linear design, the unconscious will storm my life with a tragic death, with a terrible illness, with things like that. Because I am busy in insisting that life is what my mother, father, ancestors, teachers, politicians, religious authorities, etc. taught me within a outdated design. I have to go beyond my design and get into the “negative” of my design (as in fotography), which exists prior to my design and my identity.

Things get resolved in this realm of non-existence[**], because there is no conflict there. We humans are actually expected to close down the cycle of conflicts. It is about time that we as humanity say “enough is enough!” I have had enough of life being about the unfolding of conflict in my family, in this nation, all over the world.

Now we want to know what is the result of the torsion of all conflicts, both global and personal. I seek to know because I don’t know, it exceeds my design, nobody taught me, it doesn’t come from the past, in the past something like this ever happened; in the past problems were solved in a heartbeat and today we have nuclear, bacteriological arsenals and other weapons… Obviously we can’t continue with the logic of slapping each other today. We need to use other tools to solve conflicts before they even get to our tangible existence.

In other words, it’s about letting go of the idea that I have an answer within my reach, I don’t have control over anything, I don’t know and thus I practice a derivation.

This derivation practice has many other forms and ways, for example the Sedona Method is also about letting conflicts flow with detachment.

If you would like to explore the GCL way to deal with conflicts you can contact us.

[*]:GCL acknowledges that humans are interdimensional beings, that there is more of us functioning while we sleep (and periodically during wakefulness), preparing our mind and body to respond in an optimized way to the next instant.

[**]: realm of non-existence in this case means the realm previous to existence.